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Diploma In E-Governance

Rs.6,000 Rs.3,000

IISDT Offers 50% discount on all courses. Enroll your course today to avail discount offer. Government Job Valid Diploma/Certificate.

Electronic governance or e-governance implies government functioning with the application of ICT (Information and Communications Technology). Hence e-Governance is basically a move towards SMART governance implying: simple, moral, accountable, responsive and transparent governance.


Course Name: Diploma In E-Governance

Course Id: DIEG/Q0001.
Education Qualification: 12th Class.

Duration: 370 Hrs (Equivalent to One Year).

Total Credits: 18.

How You will Get Diploma Certificate:

Step 1- Select your Course for Certification.

Step 2- Click on Enroll Now.

Step 3- Proceed to Enroll Now.

Step 4- Fill Your Billing Details and Proceed to Pay.

Step 5- You Will be Redirected to Payment Gateway, Pay Course and Exam Fee by Following Options.

Card(Debit/Credit), Wallet, Paytm, Net banking, UPI and Google pay.

Step 6- After Payment You will get Study Material Login id and Password on your email id.

Step 7- After Completion of  Course Study give Online Examination.

Step 8- After Online Examination you will get Diploma Certificate soft copy(Scan Copy) and Hard Copy(Original With Seal and Sign).

Step 9- After Certification you will receive Prospect Job Opportunities as per your Interest Area.

Online Examination Detail:

  • Duration- 120 minutes.
  • No. of Questions- 60. (Multiple Choice Questions).
  • 10 Questions from each module, each carry 10 marks.
  • Maximum Marks- 600, Passing Marks- 40%.
  • There is no negative marking in this module.
How Students will be Graded:
S.No. Marks Grade
1 91-100 O (Outstanding)
2 81-90 A+ (Excellent)
3 71-80 A (Very Good)
4 61-70 B (Good)
5 51-60 C (Average)
6 41-50 P (Pass)
7 0-40 F (Fail)

Benefits of Certification:

  • Government Authorized Assessment Agency Certification.
  • Certificate Valid for Lifetime.
  • Lifetime Verification of Certificate.
  • Free Job Assistance as per your Interest Area.

Diploma In E-Governance

Introduction to Information Technology: Introduction to computer, classification of computer, generation of computer, memory units, operating system (O.S), functions, classification, programming languages, problems and prospects, selection of hardware features and trends, general software features and trends.

E-Governance: Introduction, e- governance project development lifecycle, e- governance vision and strategy, change management and capacity building in e- governance projects, business models for implementation of e- governance, public private partnership, procurement in e- governance, project management for e- governance projects.

Research Methodology and Analytics in Government: Meaning of research, objectives of research, selecting the problem, necessity of defining the problem, technique involved in defining a problem, meaning of research design, implications of a sample design, technique of developing measurement tools, collection of primary data.

E-Governance Project Management: Introduction, need of governance, e- governance infra structure, revenue court case monitoring system, court case monitoring system, document management system, Digi locker, monitor mechanism.

Systems and Network Administration: Network structure, network technology, protocols, packets and standards, system components, networked communities, host management, user management, monitoring and system performance tuning. network simulation and documentation, network security.

E-Governance Standards and Frameworks:  Methodology adopted for developing the competency framework, e- governance job roles, behavioral skill, leader role, project management role, domain expert role. 


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