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Master Diploma in Information Technology

Rs.8,000 Rs.4,000

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Master Diploma in Information Technology is a Diploma level Information Technology course. Information Technology is the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microelectronics-based combination of computing and telecommunications.


Course Name: Master Diploma in Information Technology

Course Id: MDIT/Q0001.
Education Qualification: 12th Pass.

Duration: 370 Hrs (Equivalent to One Year).

Total Credits: 18.

How You will Get Diploma Certificate:

Step 1- Select your Course for Certification.

Step 2- Click on Enroll Now.

Step 3- Proceed to Enroll Now.

Step 4- Fill Your Billing Details and Proceed to Pay.

Step 5- You Will be Redirected to Payment Gateway, Pay Course and Exam Fee by Following Options.

Card(Debit/Credit), Wallet, Paytm, Net banking, UPI and Google pay.

Step 6- After Payment You will get Study Material Login id and Password on your email id.

Step 7- After Completion of  Course Study give Online Examination.

Step 8- After Online Examination you will get Diploma Certificate soft copy(Scan Copy) and Hard Copy(Original With Seal and Sign).

Step 9- After Certification you will receive Prospect Job Opportunities as per your Interest Area.

Online Examination Detail:

  • Duration- 120 minutes.
  • No. of Questions- 60. (Multiple Choice Questions).
  • 10 Questions from each module, each carry 10 marks.
  • Maximum Marks- 600, Passing Marks- 40%.
  • There is no negative marking in this module.
How Students will be Graded:
191-100O (Outstanding)
281-90A+ (Excellent)
371-80A (Very Good)
461-70B (Good)
551-60C (Average)
641-50P (Pass)
70-40F (Fail)

Benefits of Certification:

  • Government Authorized Assessment Agency Certification.
  • Certificate Valid for Lifetime.
  • Lifetime Verification of Certificate.
  • Free Job Assistance as per your Interest Area.


Fundamentals of Computer and Information Technology: Introduction to computer, the the generation of computer, input devices, output devices, internal / external parts with computer cabinate, data storage, development of information technology, computer technology, communication technology, Software aspects. processor technology.

Multimedia & Animation: Introduction to multimedia, advanced multimedia file formats: 3D file formats, transformation techniques, advanced method and algorithms, for viewing, vector graphics, techniques behind animation, classification of animation, animation and file formats, animation types, video content, application, anatomy of human being, taxonomy of multimedia ,animation files and internet.

Concept of Programming Using C: Computer system, types of computing environments, computer languages, algorithm, flow chart, data types, logical operators, increment operators in c programming, while loop, for loop ,jump statements, arrays, strings.

Office Automation Tools: Office automation tools and technology, telecommunications, difference between word processing and data processing, optical character reader, photocopying machines, electronic typewriters, WP hardware configuration, electronic mail, electronic filing, facsimile transmission, analog system, digital system, micrographics.

Internet and Web Technology: WWW and the internet, HTML, java script, CSS and DOM, CGL, PERL, java Applet.

Data Communication and Computer Networks: Introduction to data communication and networking, data information, data communication, characteristics of data communication, components of data communication, data representation, data flow, computer network, categories of a network, protocol, elements of a protocol, standards in networking.


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